Private Primary School Cesta k úspěchu in Prague
International School Cesta k úspěchu offers talented children an outstanding approach to education that aims to fulfil the knowledge, cognitive, emotional and social needs of students.
Our school takes into account the overall development of the personality of a gifted child, with particular emphasis on promoting positive self-esteem, complex thinking, natural desire for knowledge, exploration and success in society.
Supporting the child's talent
Intensive English course
We teach English to children from 4 years of age. Selected subjects are taught by native speakers using Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). We prepare our pupils for the Cambridge YLE tests.
Individual approach
With a small number of pupils in our classes, we guarantee a truly individual approach to each student. Our curriculum is extended, deepened and enriched according to the pupils' individual abilities and skills.
Democratic and liberal environment
We support a democratic environment, asking questions and providing answers. We develop the art of presenting our knowledge, the ability to listen to others, to discuss and cooperate in the international community.
Afternoon course programme
We offer a wide selection of afternoon courses and leisure activities led by experienced instructors. Our offer includes extended English lessons and English conversation courses led by native speakers.

The lesson began with a little delay, as the previous one was slightly longer and the break started later. They do not use school bells at the Cesta k úspěchu Private Primary School at Břevnov, Prague. They do not want to interrupt the children when they are enjoying the lesson, so they finish the given topic...
(Kultura21.cz, 14 May 2018)